Personal Backup

© 2001 - , Dr. Jürgen Rathlev


Version 6.3 Version 6.2 Older versions Mirror sites


with improved accessibility and support of Windows dark mode

Supported languages: German, English, French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Hungarian, Ukrainian and Russian

* Notes about the OpenPGP signature Klick

If you have installed Gpg4Win (e.g. for encryption of mails) on your system, you can use this program to verify the Personal Backup downloads. Just download the signature file associated to the respective version (see above) and store it in the same directory as the setup file. Then open the context menu of this file in Windows Explorer or any other file manager by right-clicking and select Decrypt and verify.
If the required certificate has not yet been registered in Gpg4Win (see the list in the program Kleopatra), it can be downloaded as Zip archive (fingerprint: 7CF5551F18F2D73473DE3C92FABB85A8FB26BCBD) and then imported in Kleopatra.


Supported languages: German, English, French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Hungarian, Ukrainian and Russian

Other download sites:

Of late, ever more download sites make freeware programs available not in their original version but with modified installers or using download managers. The latter can be recognized by their relatively small file size (mostly about 500 kB) and in either case the user may run the risk that additional, unwanted programs, such as browser toolbars and adware or spyware, will be installed without warning. Subsequent removal of this software often turns out to be very difficult.
To avoid any tacit support of such unfair practices, I have removed all links to download sites offering anything other than my original setup files.

  Personal Backup is 100% clean Windows 11 Downloads


Older versions

Note: Older Version are still available, but there will be no further development of these. Due to this, updating to Version 6 is recommended. All existing backup tasks (buj-files) created with Version 5 are fully compatible with Version 6.



More Information about version 5

Languages: English, German, French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Hungarian and Russian

Download archive of many older versions